Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thanks and Refreshing Grace

Good morning!  It's been years since anything was posted in this space, and I had very nearly forgotten all about it.  That is, until I read Out of the Ordinary's blog this morning ( and there was this little link in the upper right-hand corner, to my blog.  Which happens because we both happen to use the same "blogspot" vehicle.  Anyhoo,,,,,

Things for which I am thankful:
1) Jesus, and the unsearchable riches we find IN HIM, in relationship with him and our union with him.  Eph. 1:3-14; Titus 3:3-7
2) The family into which God has placed me, my dear husband and best friend (Fred).  My Mom and Dad whose birthdays on earth would have been celebrated this month, but now they're with Jesus, and I think every day is a birthday celebration there! My brother and his wife, my twin nieces and their family who are up in Oregon (note the photo!!)
3) My church family at Redeemer Church of Bakersfield (, where we are fed and nourished with the aforementioned unsearchable riches of Christ (see No, 1, above!).
4) Current crop of great worship music from Austin Stone, Indelible Grace, Sovereign Grace (Kauflin, etc.), Audrey Assad, Keith and Kristen Getty.
5) My peeps at 2 retirement homes in Bakersfield where we get to study the Word together, one of which has been going on for years, and the other, just a bit less than a year.  Dear people of my parents' generation who love the Word, the promises, the daily bread-ness of Bible nourishment.  Precious!!
6) Our Redeemed Life Group, prayer group, Women2Women, and informal One2Ones as we all meet together and preach the Gospel to one another and help each other live out the redeemed life in the midst of a culture that pulls us in 19 different directions at once, some of them not-so-bad but most of them alien to the body of Christ.  We are being the church wherever we go and we get to travel on this road together.  Is that a great gift, or what?!?!?  YES!!

So, anyhoo.  That's the post. That photo up there is of a wonderful pool of water on a trail you can take up the Gorge (Columbia River, Oregon side).  The pool is refreshing on a hot summer hike.  May you find the refreshment you need in the person and work of Jesus, who loves you and gave himself for you.

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